We’re off! Lord, watch over our every step…. Leaving Bay St Louis

Via Francigena from Lucca to Rome
Since the Middle Ages, pilgrims have been sent off from their home town with a blessing.  Last year, Father Mike O'Connor sent us to Spain with a blessing for the Camino de Santiago -- before we had even moved to Bay St Louis.  So much has happened in a year.
Father Mike gives us a 
blessing before we leave
for Italy.  

Father Mike blessed us
before the Camino 
de Santiago in 2015
Again, Father Mike blessed us as we left Bay St Louis to the Via Francigena.  We were surrounded by a small group of family and dear friends and had a small party afterwards.  There is so much to celebrate!

By chance Cathy and David, who we met in Spain on last year’s Camino, were visiting from the UK and shared the pilgrims’ bond in the ceremony. 

Here are a few lines from that special blessing:

God is the beginning and the end of every road we take. In confidence we call upon him, saying:

Lord, watch over our every step. 

Father all-holy, you gave us your only Son as our way to you; make us follow without faltering wherever he may lead. For this we pray:

Lord, watch over our every step

With that, we packed our bags and traveled to Lucca, in the Tuscan region of Italy. 

What a beautiful way to begin in this ancient walled city, a Medieval pilgrimage stop on the Via Francigena. 

We biked the circumference of the city on its fortress walls and listened to regional artists perform opera by Puccini, who was born in Lucca.


Tomorrow, we walk…

John in Lucca


  1. And the adventure begins! I pray for blessings, safety and no blisters. :)

  2. I know it's going to be a fabulous trip. I'm glad you started in the north - was worried about you with the earthquake that just happened in Amatrice.
