I wrote earlier
about “Mea Culpa Mountains” -- penance and forgiveness. I’m now 180 miles into our pilgrimage and I'm feeling Grace is in every step I take.
Grace is a love that can’t be earned.
Grace is greeting each day with joy and expectation.
Grace is this wonderful life I’ve been given
– that goes so far beyond what I could have imagined for myself.
Grace underpins every aspect of my faith walk.
Grace makes my steps forward possible.
Last night’s Pilgrim Mass in San Juan de Ortega was
particularly Grace filled. Both John and I felt it. These tiny villages all have incredibly ornate and gilded churches that we've been visiting – awe inspiring.
So when we entered the sanctuary in San Juan, it was
starkly different. Austere, simple, pure white, incense burning, and Gregorian chant music playing
We were two of 30 at the pilgrims mass. Afterwards we were all called up by the priest to receive a special blessing and a small wooden cross to carry with us.
Grace – it’s endless.